Palestinian Village Histories (Cover)

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source

Curator's note: This book cover is an artist-approved remix of "The Palestinian Revolution"

Admin Notes

Begin forwarded message: From: Rochelle Davis Date: March 30, 2010 7:20:36 AM EDT To: Dan Walsh Subject: YAY ok, this is great news!! whew!! I'm off to jury duty now. I assume they'll keep me the whole day, but if not I'll call you. R ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Rochelle Davis Date: 2010/3/30 Subject: Re: ملصق الثورة الفلسطينية To: HELTOUNI Dear Mr. Eltouni, Thank you very much!! This is wonderful news. Rochelle 2010/3/30 HELTOUNI Dear Professor Rochelle. I thank you for your email and for your interest in my art works. Using my poster for the cover of your book will be my pleasure. And i agree on the text proposed by you as a reference to my work. Wishing you the best of luck with your project. please accept my regards. Helmi Eltouni ======================================================= --- On Mon, 3/29/10, Rochelle Davis wrote: From: Rochelle Davis Subject: ملصق الثورة الفلسطينية To:, "Dan Walsh" Date: Monday, March 29, 2010, 3:22 AM الى الفنان الاستاذ السيد حلمي التوني تحية طيبة و بعد اكتب لك هذه الرسالة لاستفسر عن عملك الفني الجميل الرائع . أعتذر لك بسبب لغتي العربية الضعيفة في هذه الرسالة و لكني استاذة الامريكية في جامعة "جورج تون" الامريكية فلغتي الام هي اللغة الانجليزية... واكتب لك لاني كتبت كتابا جديدا عن القرى الفلسطينية المدمرة و احب ان اضع على غلاف كتابي ملصق من اعمالك القيمة بالذات الملصق "الثورة الفلسطيننة 1-1-1965 1-1-1975" و هو ملصق رائع و مناسب جدا للكتاب . انا حصلت على نسخة اليكترونية من الملصق من الارشيف للملصق الفلسطيني تابع لطالبي السيد دان والش )Dan Walsh. اعتقد انك تعرفه و بعض ملصقاتك موجودة في و تستطيع ان تشاهد عمله و الارشيف على الجزيرة: و حصلت على عنوانك من الدكتورة زينة المصري في لبنان. و هنا توجد معلومات عني: فاطلب من حضرتك السماح باستعمال هذا الملصق و اذا سمحت لي باستعماله, فلا شك بان ساكتب اسمك و عنوان ال ملصق على الغلاف Cover art provided with permission by artist Hilmi al-Touni. Reproduced from a poster commemorating ten years of the Palestinian Revolution (1-1-1975). اذا تفضل ان تكتب شئا اخرا فاخبرني . و طبعا سابعث لك نسخة من الكتاب. و شكرا لك بحسن تعاونك و اتمنى التعرف بحصرتك في ان قريب انشا الله. Rochelle Anne Davis -- Rochelle Davis Assistant Professor, Culture and Society Center for Contemporary Arab Studies Georgetown University -- Rochelle Davis Assistant Professor, Culture and Society Center for Contemporary Arab Studies Georgetown University -- Rochelle Davis Assistant Professor, Culture and Society Center for Contemporary Arab Studies Georgetown University

Begin forwarded message: From: Zeina Maasri Date: March 28, 2010 11:51:21 AM EDT To: Dan Walsh Subject: Re: Message from Dan Walsh... Hello Dan, Indeed we have a lot to talk about, it would be great to meet if you ever visit Beirut. I'm curious as to which poster of Touni will be used, could you send me low res file, please? Here is his e-mail: HELTOUNI Regards zeina On 3/27/10 5:16 AM, "Dan Walsh" wrote: ya Zeina, Hello again. I'm writing to learn if you have an email address for Hilmi el Touni? A professor of mine at Georgetown would like to use a Palestine poster he designed in 1978 for the cover of her book but she needs written permission...quickly. I look forward to meeting with you someday. I think we have a lot to talk about, mazboot? best, Dan Walsh On Sep 4, 2009, at 5:51 AM, Zeina Maasri wrote: Dear Dan, Thanks for writing. I'm a fan of your website!! I've discovered some treasures on it that I would really love to talk to you about. I'm also curious about your thesis, is it on Palestinian posters? I'm out of town right now and don't have much internet access, I will write longer when in Beirut. My kind regards Zeina On 9/2/09 10:46 AM, "Dan Walsh" wrote: my name is Dan Walsh, I am a graduate student in the Arab Studies program at Georgetown University. I thought you might be interested in my thesis project and the web site I am building: I just learned about your book, from Maya Moumne, who also gave me your email, which I hope is OK with you. I have ordered a copy of your book from Amazon. I look forward to reading it. I'd like very much to hear your comments on the site. best, Dan