Palestinian Woman

Analysis / Interpretation / Press / Source

Hassan Manasrah is a Palestinian-Jordanian visual artist, printmaker, and comic creator. He started his career in art in 2000. He studied applied arts, specializing in interior design at Al-Balqa Applied University, and studied fine arts painting at the Jordanian Fine Art Center. He attended lithography, zinc, copper, lino, and monoprint workshops, at the Jordan National Museum of Fine Arts. In 2006, he organized his first solo exhibition titled Urban Mood which consisted of 25 lithographs and one ironwork installation. He participated in several group exhibitions in Palestine, Qatar, Jordan, Syria, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Algeria, Spain, Germany, and Switzerland as a visual artist, picture book illustrator, and comic creator. His latest solo exhibition was held under the title Everyday Rhythm in the Fire Station in Qatar, in 2019. The exhibition consisted of acrylic paintings on canvas and paperwork. He worked as an assistant art director for the international cartoon series (Pink Panther & Pals) produced by MGM & Rubicon Group Holding animation (2008 to 2010) producing about 30 picture books. He received several awards for his work in animation and picture books. Manasrah’s primary source of inspiration is the human experience. Human beings are central to his works.

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