P1030736 DWPO.2009.026 Partners Amous Muhammed Palestine Sharek Youth Forum Palestine 2009 67.7 x 26.6 Youth, organizations, organizational development Orange background, top photo og 9 ants seemingly eating what could be honey or candy, text at bottom half Sharek Youth Forum [top center]/ Partners/ PROJECT FOR INSTITUTIONAL/ STRENGTHENING AND/ CAPACITY BUILDING OF/ PALESTINIAN YOUTH/ ORGANIZATIONS [center, Arabic & English]/ Partners [vert, left side]/ Contact us/ Sharek Youth Forum, Head Office - Ramallah, West Bank/ Al Irsal Street, Jasser Building, Telephone: (02) 296 77 41, Fax: (02) 296 77 42/ Sharek Youth Forum, Gaza - Al Rimal, Basal Building, Telefax: 08-283 05 11/ Email: info@sharek.ps/ www.sharek.ps [bottom center, in Arabic & English]/ Muhammed Amous 0505 454694 [vert, LL]/ Sharek Youth Forum/ SHAREK/ DEZA/ DDC/ DSC/ SDC/ COSUDE [LR, in logos]/. منتدى شارك الشبابي\ شركاء\ مشروع لبناء وتطوير قدرات\ المؤسسات الشبابية الفلسطينية\ للاتصال والتواصل مع المنتدى:\ منتدى شارك الشبابي - الإدارة العامة, رام الله-شارع الإرسال, هاتف 2967741-02, فاكس 2967742-02.\ Poster Three horizontal folds across the poster at center, third way down and third way up Arabic English Dan Walsh
Artist / Designer / Photographer
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Circa 2006
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The PPPA has an original copy of this poster
67.7 x 26.6 cm
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