French translation:
No peace without the Palestinians
No peace without the PLO
Begin forwarded message: From: Claude Lazarovici Date: February 18, 2010 7:06:08 AM EST To: Dan Walsh Subject: Re: Question about a Palestine solidarity poster... Hi Dan It' s a wonderful surprise to see this poster on your web site, I did it long time ago and i have no exemplar of it . I 'm a french artist ,and I was politically engage for freedom of the people of the world . In 1974 I met Ezzedine Kalak representative of Palestine in France, we became friends and he asked me to do many posters ,if you want I can send you some photos of them. I join you a picture of me with Leila Shahid( the envoy the Palestinian Authority (PA) to the European Commission in Brussel) behind one of my poster , in 2008 in Mons , Belgium, for a palestinian poster show . Congratulation for your work , it's just amazing what you did! if you need anything tell me I'll do my best to help you. Sincerely Claude Lazar Hello Claude, My name is Dan Walsh... I am at Georgetown University writing my thesis on Palestinian poster art. You can view almost 2, 000 Palestine posters at my site: I am writing to ask if you are the Claude Lazar who created this poster: If you are the artist, may I write to you with some questions about the poster? Many thanks, Dan
Begin forwarded message: From: jean claude matthey Date: June 17, 2010 1:17:12 PM EDT To: Dan Walsh Subject: Re: Palestine poster question... HELLO Dan a preferd speak in french good luck for you !! I have 1 blog affiches atelier des clots I have another affiche in m'y house I would like your post adresse m'y post adresse is Mr J.C MATTEY 43 rue des bonnets 38120 Saint EGREVE See tou later Jean Claude 2010/5/30 Dan Walsh Hello Jean-Claude, My name is Dan Walsh and I learned of atelier des clots from Claude Lazar. I have a site dedicated to the posters of Palestine: Claude has a Special Collection at the site as well: Did atelier des clots do any other Palestine posters? Do you know of any other artists/collectives/organizations that are or were active publishing Palestine posters? I went through the poster gallery at your site...great graphics. Timeless! in solidarity, Dan Walsh