56 x 40 cm, red and black on white paper (slight dark traces on photo are shadows) / rouge et noir sur papier blanc (les traces légèrement sombres sur la photo sont des ombres). Slight creasing to right top corner, two 1 cm tears and slight creasing to right edge and a 1 cm tear to bottom edge, else fine (slight dark traces on photo are shadows) / Légers plis au coin supérieur droit, deux déchirures d un cm et légers plis au bord droit et une déchirure d un cm au bord inférieur, sinon excellent état (les traces légèrement sombres sont des ombres). EXTREMELY SCARCE / EXTRÊMEMENT RARE. On June 5 1970, a group of six Palestinian fighters led by Abdullah Azzam confronted with two Israeli tanks and a mineweeper, killing at least twelve soldiers and wounding two journalists, a Canadian and an American ; two Palestinians died. Abdallah Azzam (1941-1989), Bachelor of Arts in 1966, will become an influential Salafi jihadist and will get a PhD in Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence in 1973 at famous Al-Azhar University in Cairo. Teaching in Saudi Arabia, he became a mentor of Osama bin Laden and persuaded him to go to Afghanistan. Together, they founded the Maktab al-Khidamat, an organization created for drawing foreign muslims to fight in Afghanistan. After 1989, he was known as "the father of global jihad". He was killed by a car bomb in Peshawar (Pakistan). / Palestine. Salafism. Salafisme. Islam. Ousama ben Laden. (P263). Seller Inventory # 19179