Curator's note: Taghrid Al Batmeh, a twenty-two year student, was shot and killed by an Israeli soldier in Bethlehem on June 19th, 1980 Her image is included in this poster
Dan Walsh 3:45 PM (21 hours ago) to steven Q: Were there 8 pdf's in that zip? Q: In back cover 41 there is text about "Taghrid"...does it say anywhere in the mag who Taghrid is/was? steven wachlin 4:00 PM (21 hours ago) to me Yes I sent 8 back covers. Under a listing of 'Zionist terror' is the following entry in number 41 (Aug. 1980) p.4: Murder in Bethlehem, June 19th [1980] 22-year old student Taghrid Al Batmeh was shot by a Zionist soldier. (See back cover)