Arabic translation: International Women's Day
Curator's note: This poster image is printed on the back cover of the PFLP magazine, "PFLP Bulletin"
The original poster may be viewed here
From: Subject: Re: yours? Got year? dan Date: August 22, 2009 3:01:09 AM EDT To: yes, 1980 Am 21.08.2009 um 06:59 schrieb Dan Walsh:
S'up? Inbox x Dan Walsh Aug 24 (1 day ago) to steven Q: I've decided to go after PFLP Bulletin covers... I forget, do you have like a ton of them? steven wachlin 11:26 AM (1 hour ago) to me Sorry Dan for the long silence. Haven't been on vacation. We are in the process of moving from our house here in Utrecht to our new apartment in Amsterdam. Getting close. Floor and kitchen are now completed, floorboards and moulding will be put in this week and then the painters will finish it off the week after that. A lot of stuff is all in boxes, including the magazines. Wouldn't be able to scan them for at least another month. But I can tell you I have the PFLP Bulletin from edition 26 (April 1979) until number 61 (April 1982), but miss numbers 37, 40, 58 and 60. Greetings, Steven Dan Walsh 11:55 AM (56 minutes ago) to steven Brother Steven, Ahhh...Amsterdam....I LOVE Amsterdam. When it is convenient for you to scan those puppies I will be ready to upload them in the meantime I will hunt around for the missing editions. tadamon, Dan