[ PPPA Contact Form Submission]
Amir Hallel
Jul 12 (3 days ago)
to me
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Submitted on Thursday, July 12, 2018 - 19:05
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Submitted values are:
Your name: Amir Hallel
Your e-mail address: ahallel@gmail.com
My name is Amir and I'm doing a research about the Popular Front for the
Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), and about the graphic materials that were
published in Beirut during the 70's.
I'm looking for the PFLP's graphic designers and the photographers who were
active at that time in Beirut.
I'm trying to find the photographer behind a collection of stamps you could
see here:
and here:
these stamps were exhibited recently in Sidon:
In addition, you might be able to help me finding who conducted research on
this subject in the past.
I will appreciate any help of the subject,
Thanks in advanced,
Amir Hallel,