PLO - IRA - One Struggle

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Sighting: Beechmount Street - Belfast - 1982"Many Unionists identify with Israel as an isolated community, surrounded by hostile forces and lacking international support. Their pro-Israeli sentiments also are a reaction to Irish Republican support for the Palestinian cause. In the 1980s, a mural in a nationalist area of Belfast depicted armed Irish Republican Army (IRA) and PLO members under the slogan: "IRA-PLO one struggle." Despite peace, these cleavages still run deep: In response to the Second Intifada, northern Protestant areas flew the Israeli flag, and Catholic areas raised the Palestinian national colors." ________________________ "Many Unionists identify with Israel as an isolated community, surrounded by hostile forces and lacking international support. Their pro-Israeli sentiments also are a reaction to Irish Republican support for the Palestinian cause. In the 1980s, a mural in a nationalist area of Belfast depicted armed Irish Republican Army (IRA) and PLO members under the slogan: "IRA-PLO one struggle." Despite peace, these cleavages still run deep: In response to the Second Intifada, northern Protestant areas flew the Israeli flag, and Catholic areas raised the Palestinian national colors."Source: Why the Irish Support PalestineForeign Policy Magazine - June 23, 2010
Admin Notes

Begin forwarded message:

From: Josh MacPhee
Date: January 28, 2011 4:44:52 PM EST
To: Dan Walsh
Subject: Re: Are you trying to make me fall in love with you?

Attached are a couple publication covers. The first is from a 70s RAND report, you might have it or have seen it before. Terrible politics, but quite a stunning cover! The second is that songbook I mentioned. When I have more time I can send more, as well as detailed bibliographic information...

As for your questions:

1) I'll ask the punchclock folks I know if there are any more of those posters. The shop doesn't function much anymore (it has actually been converted into a metal shop!, no more posters...), and Nidal is in Jordan I believe.

2) The mural is from Belfast, the image from Drawing Support book by Bill Rolsten. Once again, I can send more images of these and full bibliography later...

3) I do have copies of Reproduce and Revolt. I'll send one with anything else i can dig up in the next couple weeks...


On Jan 28, 2011, at 4:23 PM, Dan Walsh wrote:

Yes! Do send those. I call them "Remix/Whatever"

They may not be posters per se but they may be derived from posters or by poster artists.

I am resizing some of the jpegs you just sent (we are in the middle of a massive power outage/snow plowing fiasco/homes-with-no-heat-or-internet debacle here in DC and I am squirreled away at a friend's house (she gots power) so I have time on my hands and your zip drive was a godsend)

Q: Was Nidal's poster by Punchclock something you got when you were in Canada? Do you think they might have copies for sale still?

Q: The IRA/PLO mural...Beechmount in...Ireland? Belfast? Where?

Q: Do you have copies of Reproduce & Revolt?


On Jan 28, 2011, at 3:55 PM, Josh MacPhee wrote:

Sounds great!
I think I sent you just about everything I have doubles of, but once I go through again, I might find a couple things...

Also, another question: I have a number of publications with great Palestine-related graphics on the cover, like an old Fatah song book from the 70s, and other pamphlets and such. Would you be interested in scans of the covers of these? They're not posters, but....


On Jan 28, 2011, at 3:51 PM, Dan Walsh wrote:


Actually, I will begin to put together a little private Palestine poster archives for you...

I WANT you to have copies of Palestine posters.

Maybe we can even do some trades? Or did you already send me everything you had in duplicate?

If so, I may ask you where you got certain posters so I can hunt them down myself.



On Jan 28, 2011, at 3:48 PM, Josh MacPhee wrote:


On Jan 28, 2011, at 3:20 PM, Dan Walsh wrote:

On Jan 28, 2011, at 3:13 PM, Josh MacPhee wrote:

Hey Dan-
attached is a folder of images...

The data for the images from Signs of Change can be found in the book. I added a couple more that I thought you might be interested in.

As for Paper Politics, jpgs enclosed, emails for artists:
Christopher Cardinale
Nicole Schulman
Alejandra Delfin

Fernando's piece is about Iraq. If you still are interested, let me know.
Katie's piece is of Meena, from Afghanistan. If you still are interested, let me know.

In addition, I've included most of the Palestine related pieces from one of my earlier books, Reproduce & Revolt (which I edited with Favianna Rodriquez).

If you have any questions, let me know!

I'll go through the old files and looks for other stuff to photograph soon, as well as keep my eyes open for new posters I can pick up and send your way...

Oh, and I noticed while looking at the El-Khairy BDS poster you sent the link for that you have 20 copies. If there are ever posters you have huge amounts of, feel free to peel one off and put it in pile to send up to me at some point! The broader my palestine-related collection, the more of it will show up in future projects!


On Jan 22, 2011, at 1:02 PM, Dan Walsh wrote:

Hi Josh,

Here are the jpegs I am looking for to add to this Special Collection. Of course I will a Just Seeds link at all the pages.

Palestine posters:

pg 34-35: Christopher Cardinale (got email?)

pg 109: Nicole Schulman (got email?)

pg 69: Alejandra Delfin/Colonization (there are kaffiyeh-wearing souls in the very bottom panel. I wrote to response yet)

pg: 110-111: Fernando Marti (I am not sure this is a Palestine poster but it COULD be...bread carts such as these are a feature of life in Gaza and the Arabic on the canvas (which I can't translate cause it is smack in the middle of the gutter) means I should at least check it out (got email?)

pg: 121: Katie Truskowski (got email?)

in solidarity,


Artist-run political art cooperative and blog

Celebrate People's History! The Poster Book of Resistance and Revolution
Out now! A full-color, hardback collection of all the Celebrate People's History posters, plus 40 new designs!

Signal:01: A Journal of International Political Graphics and Culture
Out now! A new full-color, image-centered publication dedicated to the intersection of art and politics. Pick up a copy today!

The Celebrate People's History Poster Series
68 posters and running...

Artist-run political art cooperative and blog

Celebrate People's History! The Poster Book of Resistance and Revolution
Out now! A full-color, hardback collection of all the Celebrate People's History posters, plus 40 new designs!

Signal:01: A Journal of International Political Graphics and Culture
Out now! A new full-color, image-centered publication dedicated to the intersection of art and politics. Pick up a copy today!

The Celebrate People's History Poster Series
68 posters and running...

Artist-run political art cooperative and blog

Celebrate People's History! The Poster Book of Resistance and Revolution
Out now! A full-color, hardback collection of all the Celebrate People's History posters, plus 40 new designs!

Signal:01: A Journal of International Political Graphics and Culture
Out now! A new full-color, image-centered publication dedicated to the intersection of art and politics. Pick up a copy today!

The Celebrate People's History Poster Series
68 posters and running...

Artist-run political art cooperative and blog

Celebrate People's History! The Poster Book of Resistance and Revolution
Out now! A full-color, hardback collection of all the Celebrate People's History posters, plus 40 new designs!

Signal:01: A Journal of International Political Graphics and Culture
Out now! A new full-color, image-centered publication dedicated to the intersection of art and politics. Pick up a copy today!

The Celebrate People's History Poster Series
68 posters and running...