Poems For Palestine - Chapbook

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source


Today we announce the launch of Poems for Palestine: Recent poems by nine Palestinian poets & actions you can take to stop genocide now. Publishers for Palestine have come together to create this free booklet of poetry, artwork, and resources for action, now available for both print and online dissemination. This chapbook is made not for resale, but please read and share as widely as you please!

Immediately following the ICJ ruling that found that Israel must take all available action to avoid genocide, western powers are exposing the contradictions between their declared adherence to international law and their true adherence to US-Israeli economic interests. With the withdrawal of funding from UNRWA we see the dedication of what Dr. Ghassan Abu Sittah now terms an “Axis of Genocide”: the US, UK, Canada, and other western states’ adherence to colonial Israel and imperial interests at the cost of Palestinian life. As we see in the regionally expanding aggression, this adherence also comes at the cost of the lives of Lebanese, Syrians, Jordanians, and Yemenis. Indeed, the expansionist greed of colonial states sees no human life worthy, if that life stands in the way of its hunger for land, resources, and power. This must be stopped.




Analysis / Interpretation / Press / Source

Curator's note: 

This chapbook features the poster art of @bambiprikt which may be views in detail here
