Poster Sought - Harvard - HIPAC

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Pro-Israeli Posters Stir Debate Arab Students Concerned Over Groups' Flyers Source: By SPENCER S. HSU Published: Thursday, March 10, 1988 A student group distributing a series of pro-Israeli posters on campus has added to the controversy at Harvard over the continuing conflict between Palestinian rioters and Israeli troops in the West Bank. The Harvard-Israel Public Affairs Committee (HIPAC) has been posting one-page sheets, entitled "More facts to think about," at more than 50 campus locations since mid-February, said Joseph Enis '90-'91, the committee's chairman. HIPAC, a branch of a conservative national lobbying group, operates at Harvard under the auspices of Hillel. Enis said the sheets carry information to counterbalance what he called the biased portrayal of Israel in the national press. Three issues of the leaflet have been distributed. "One of the things we're concerned about is the leaving out of relevant facts in the press," said Glen I. E. Schwaber '91, who drafted the flyers. Schwaber said extra information was needed to provide "context" for the news presentations of violent Israeli military action in the West Bank and Gaza strip. But Adam A. Sabra '90, president of the Society of Arab Students, called a portion of the posters' content "almost racist." He criticized a statement on the poster dated February 22, which reads, "The shattering political conflict in Lebanon has demonstrated Arab intolerance toward non-Islamic religious groups in the Middle East and the impossibility of a [Palestinian Liberation Organization]'democratic, secular state.'" Sabra said the statement implied that all Arabs were Islamic and that they could not run a democratic government. "It's really an attack on people's civil liberties," he said. "They have a right to disseminate their propaganda, [but] I think if anybody said this of any other group there would be an enormous torrent of disagreement." "My first reaction was anger," said Dina N. Abu-Ghaida '91. "The next reaction was frustration because I thought `What has to happen for them to understand us?'" Abu-Ghaida, whose parents are Palestinian, said she had hoped the recent uprisings would shed light on the Palestinian dilemma as "a real problem that has to be confronted now," rather than a historical dispute. She added that she had hoped the riots would inspire various campus groups to discuss the issues, but instead, she said they will now "only be sending out fact sheets at each other." "Yet again," Abu-Ghaida said, "the Jews and the Arabs seem not able to talk to one another." HIPAC officials said they had received little or no comment about the posters from Jewish students. But some members of the liberal Jewish-Arab Dialogue Committee, an independent undergraduate discussion group, said the posters contain "skewed" information. One member called some points "disputable." Abu-Ghaida and Sabra also belong to the group. Ellen L. Chubin '90, a member of HIPAC and associate chairman of Hillel, said the group expected the posters to provoke "intelligent discussion," and that they had hoped to hear students' comments on them To The Editors of the Crimson: We are submitting this open letter to the Society of Arab Students, in response to Spencer S. Hsu's article, "Pro-Israeli Posters Stir Debate. We feel that it is relevant, not only to the Arab students, but to the Harvard community at large. We, a group of concerned Jews and Zionists and members of Harvard Hillel's HIPAC committee, have been posting fact sheets not to enrage or frustrate you. Rather, these flyers show people that what we see on TV often lacks relevant facts. We are sorry that a statement in the second fact sheet offended you. We in no way intended the quotation to imply that all Arabs are Islamic. Similarly, the statement did not doubt Arab ability to run a democratic government, but rather called impossible a "Palestinian Liberation Organization 'democratic secular state.'" We apologize for the poor wording of the remark. Again, the purpose of these pamphlets is not to promote controversy or stifle debate, but to encourage meaningful intellectual discussion on the subject. In this respect the fact sheets are already showing signs of success, as attested to by the title of the Crimson article, "Pro-Israeli Posters Stir Debate." The present situation has evolved from the conflicting national aspirations of the Jews and the Palestinian Arabs. In 1947 the UN partition plan provided a homeland for the Palestinians. Unfortunately, Egypt and Jordan occupied Gaza and the West Bank until 1967 at which time Israel took over these territories and part of the reponsibility for finding a long-overdue homeland for the Palestinians. Yet no simple solution exists. While we cannot expect Palestinians to live in another Arab country, neither can we expect Israel to relinquish the occupied territories without guarantees of peace from its Arab neighbors. As responsible Jewish and Arab students, we have the duty to engage in constructive dialogue. We openly invite you to join us to exchange views, participate in a forum, and work together to better understand each other's positions. Glen I.A. Schwaber '91 "10 facts a week" Coordinator Jospeh Enis '91 HIPAC Co-Chairman Laura E. Fein '91 HIPAC Co-chairman
Admin Notes

Israel Posters Vandalized in Science Center By LAUREN A.E. SCHUKER, CONTRIBUTING WRITER Published: Monday, December 09, 2002 0 COMMENT EMAIL PRINT Four posters in the Science Center about Zionism, the Oslo Peace Accords and recent violence in Israel were vandalized by unknown offenders over the weekend. The posters were part of a larger display by Harvard Students for Israel (HSI) advertising pro-Israel political views. HSI members said they believe the vandals struck late Friday night or early Saturday morning. On Saturday, HSI member Seth N. Kisch ’04 discovered anti-Israel slogans scrawled across the posters in thick blue marker with misspelled words. On a poster about Zionism and the importance of a Jewish homeland in Israel, vandals wrote “Palastine 300 Years.” The phrases “Occuppants of Pro-War” and “Israeli Propaganda” defaced posters about the Camp David peace accords. Students said the misspellings suggested to them that the vandals were not fellow students. The Science Center is open to the public 24 hours a day. “Most Harvard kids know how to spell Palestine,” said HSI cultural chair Avi D. Heilman ’03. According to Heilman, who filed a report with the Harvard University Police Department (HUPD) Saturday night, officers took the posters as evidence but were not optimistic about catching the vandals. HUPD could not be reached for comment yesterday. HSI members set up the display Tuesday as part of an effort to educate students on Israel. They had spent more than $600 on the posters, which were matted for long-term use. “One of the reasons that we are so upset about this is because we invested so much time, energy and money in these posters,” said HSI President David B. Adelman ’04. “We planned to use these posters in the future, and other schools wanted to use them as well.” He said a pro-Israel group at Boston University had recently borrowed the posters for a display on its campus. “We took great pains not to make these posters inflammatory, but rather educational,” Heilman said. HSI members said that while they do not feel personally threatened by the vandalism, they find it particularly disturbing in light of the recent divestment campaign on college campuses nationwide. “We don’t feel that this is a sign that someone is out to get us,” Adelman said, “but it just emphasizes that throughout this pro- and anti-Israel conflict, the one thing that is lacking is respect.” “Bigotry is so ignorant,” he added, “and in some ways, destroying people’s property takes things to a whole new level.” Although HSI members said this is the first act of vandalism they had faced, the president of the Harvard Law School’s Justice for Palestine said his group regularly experiences similar attacks. “It happens so often that we’ve come to expect it, but I don’t think that we would ever register a formal complaint,” said Sam F. Halabi, who said he often finds phrases like “Jew haters,” “Anti-Semites” and “Self-Hating Pigs” on his group’s posters. But Erol N. Gulay ’05, co-founder of the Palestinian Solidarity Committee, said he was surprised by the vandalism. He said the groups successfully address their differences through discussion. “If anything, there is a lot of dialogue between the groups,” he said. “HSI members often come to our meetings and we haven’t experienced any ill-will against our group.” Gulay said he often sees a greater degree of animosity from those outside of Harvard, speculating that the vandals were not students. “When people from both sides of the conflict gather for speeches and panels, it is always the non-Harvard people who are yelling and shouting,” he said.

Posters Spur New Debate Over Israel By MATTHEW M. HOFFMAN, Published: Wednesday, April 06, 1988 0 COMMENT EMAIL PRINT A series of posters depicting Israeli mistreatment of Palestinian protesters has sparked a renewed round of controversy between campus Arab and Jewish groups. The posters, which were placed on kiosks yesterday by the Society of Arab Students (SAS), drew objections from the Harvard-Israel Public Affairs Committee (HIPAC), which charged yesterday that the posters were unnecessarily provocative. The two groups last month squared off after a similar series of pro-Israel posters placed by HIPAC were criticized by the Arab students. Some HIPAC members said they thought the new SAS poster campaign was deliberate response to their earlier campaign. One of the SAS posters put up yesterday, described by society members as a "fact sheet," is entitled "What You Need to Know About the Palestinian Uprising" and lists a variety of Palestinian grievances, includ- ing the more than 100 deaths, allegedly illegaldeportations, and the closing of PalestinianLiberation Organization (PLO) offices in the U.S. A second poster, entitled "Don't Say You Didn'tKnow," depicts a Palestinian woman being slappedby an Israeli soldier. A similar poster shows asoldier aiming his rifle at a group of women andquotes a member of the Israeli parliament assaying "If we had shot two, three, four in two orthree places, they would know we are serious." SAS members deny that their present postercampaign is a rejoinder to HIPAC's posters. "Theposters were designed first as an informationcampaign, to make people consider the issue, totalk about it and to debate it," said Adam A.Sabra '90, president of SAS. "I didn't even see the posters that HIPAC putup," Ala M. Tarazi '89 who postered for the SASyesterday morning. "I finally got hold of one whenit became an issue in the Crimson." Members of HIPAC, however, said the Arabstudents' effort was a clear response to theircampaign. "It's definitely a reaction," said HIPACCo-Chair Laura E. Fein '91, pointing out that thefact-sheet used a format similar to HIPAC's "MoreFacts to Think About" posters. But Sabra said that the posters are part of anongoing program to make the Harvard communityaware of the Palestinian situation. He said thatpast activities include involvement in a series ofArab-Jewish dialogues and a speech by HassamAdul-Ahman, the PLO's former representative to theU.S. "We want to keep the issue alive in the Harvardcommunity, so people don't read about it in thepaper and say 'Oh boy, another two Arabs killed.Big deal,'" said Tarazi. HIPAC members also accused the SAS ofmisrepresenting facts in their posters. Ellen L.Chubin '90 said that the closing of PLO offices,which the poster labels as a "violation of thefirst amendment and of international law," is asubject that is still under litigation. "I don'tknow if you can call that a fact simply because ithas been debated," she said