Pracht und Geheimnis

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
German translation: Splendor and mystery Clothing and jewelery from Palestine and Jordan
Admin Notes

7:52 AM (8 hours ago)


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Dear Mr. Walsh,


Thank you for your request. We can produce a High-End-Scan of: (Nagy-Roden, Ros; Plakat "Pracht und Geheimnis, Kleidung und Schmuck aus Palästina und Jordanien, Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum für Völkerkunde Köln, 03. Oktober 1987 bis 27. März 1988)  rba_d021382  in DIN A4, TIFF, 300dpi for EUR 25,00 + 5,00 EUR banking charges via e-mail. Or you can download it for free in small resolution under:


For online-use the additional fee is 150,00 EUR for color image.


There are also following conditions:

- resolution 72 dpi
- max. 1200 px,
- correct photocredit information under: 
- link to the image in Kulturelles Erbe Köln


Our prices can be found under the following link:

Some more information about the credit you can find under:


Send us your complete address for the bill.

Yours sincerely 
Cathleen Walther 
administration - photo research

City of Koeln - The Lordmayor                                          
Rheinisches Bildarchiv Koeln 
Kattenbug 18-24 
50667 Koeln 

Von: Dan Walsh [] 
Gesendet: Montag, 1. Februar 2016 10:40
An: Walther, Cathleen
Betreff: Research question about an RJM poster