Princeton Gaza Solidarity Encampment

Analysis / Interpretation / Press / Source


What will India do if it ever faces the kind of blinding propaganda war that has been unleashed against Israel? – Abhijit Majumder 

A poster doing the rounds on America’s vaunted Princeton campus shows a Hamas fighter-like figure with his head and face wrapped in a keffiyeh. His hand holds aloft a slingshot in a revolutionary pose, with the red and green of a giant watermelon looming in the backdrop.

‘Princeton Gaza solidarity encampment’, it says.

With a few deft flourishes of the digital paintbrush, the artist and his handlers have delivered a masterstroke in Left-Islamist propaganda.

  1. Replacing Hamas’s rocket launchers, machine guns, swords, knives, machetes and other weapons—including mass rape—with a harmless slingshot is meant to airbrush the October 7 massacre.
  2. The green of the melon is downplayed and the red is cleverly played up for the young western audience, which has been flirting with Marxist and Maoist anarchy but is perhaps not yet ready for a full show of radical Islam.
  3. The face-covering keffiyeh, the chief accomplice to the anonymity of terror groups like the Hamas and Hezbollah, is being normalised in the West with masterful deceptiveness.
  4. The raised arm, long a symbol of people’s power and peaceful resistance, is another subtle yet powerful distraction from the depravity of Hamas. Billions of dollars get spent worldwide to advertise Islamic terror as ‘resistance’, whether it is in Tel Aviv, Paris, or New Delhi.

The protests on American campuses are a perfect example of how the Commie-Islamist collective operates, how it subverts the truth and throws a pall of denial over even mass murder, managing to draw both liberal sympathy and intellectual legitimacy while at it.

As global allies, Islam and Communism complement each other, although the two can never coexist in the same physical space. Communism gives Islam the sophistry of propaganda, intellectual defence, sanitising of savagery, and subtle tug of sympathy which it completely lacks. Islam gives unelectable Communism the street power.
