The Progressive Forces

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Arabic translation: The progressive forces are with the Lebanese people and the Palestinian resistance Curator's note: The graphic in this poster highlights the figure of a Palestinian woman who, though not a trained fighter, took up arms and joined the ranks of the militants during the fighting in the Tel Azaatar refugee camp in 1976. 
Admin Notes


Muaied AlRawi -- Hosni Radwan Mobile:+972599307969 Skype:hosniradwan Ramallah,Palestine

From: Subject: Re: Correction to last email...Dan Date: April 1, 2010 9:56:50 AM EDT To:

I changed it. The word is butuulah (heroism) as opposed to batalah (heroine). So the translation would be tal azzatar is the embrace of heroism and martyrdom. Your curator's note still works, I think, because I think it is still true that the poster is highlighting how a non-trained woman exemplifies heroism-- I think that is precisely the point of the poster. You might want to change the title and alter the curator's note to match the new translation. N. On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 8:15 AM, Dan Walsh wrote: