Begin forwarded message:
From: mirouille
Date: January 19, 2011 8:55:31 AM EST
To: Dan Walsh
Subject: Re: a question...
i did print and disseminate lots of stickers on my own,
concerning posters, i'm often working with CollectifUrgencePalestine-Geneva and they did print a few of them for various demonstrations, conferences, etc.
some other groups did contact me and print them as well (StopTheWall in Palestine, some groups in Germany, etc)
But beside solidarity groups, i'm not aware of any official or institutionalized printing,
anyway most of these posters are online since 2002, so anything is possible...
concerning my surname "mirouille" (without capital)
it's not a protection (anybody can find my real name and address),
but it is a funny deformation of my real name mireille, which sounds old, grumpy and dusty (with a heavy fate, if you know the opera),
wheras deformed it rhymes with many nice french slang words: fripouille, andouille, nouille, etc...
so i adopted it as my 'artistic' signature ,-)
I hope your studies on Palestinian poster genre will be published and awake many consciences (graphic designers are too sleepy nowadays...)
in solidarity++
Le 19.01.2011 13:04, Dan Walsh a écrit :
Hi Mirouille,
Maybe that is not even your real name or it is your family name so you laugh when I use it like your first name?
Don't worry...I understand. I am an artist myself and up to my ears in Palestinian politics.
Q: do you have/know about any printed copies of the posters?
I ask because it is one of my projects to get copies placed in major US and European museums, libraries and archives.
I cannot just print out copies: as an archivist and anthropologist I study the Palestine poster genre...I don't create it or expand it.
If you know of someone/somewhere who has printed copies that would be great to know about.
in solidarity,
On Jan 19, 2011, at 3:14 AM, mirouille wrote:
Hi Dan,
of course I know the work of Marc Rudin, Jihad Mansour
his work is one of the most brilliant! I'm a fan! and his commitment is inspiring too.
I have a Palestinian friend in France who had a similar idea about collecting posters on Palestine (printed)
I'll let him know about your website, maybe he might share his collection (i don't know whether he scanned them or not).
concerning credits, just mention "mirouille -"
except the 2 which are labelled as "designed by N." (stopOccupation3EN_A4.pdf & stopOccupation2EN_A4.pdf)
and let me know if you want me to send You all posters in one .zip file.
Le 18.01.2011 16:02, Dan Walsh a écrit :
Hello Mirouille,
OK...good...I will start on the new SpC today...
Are you familiar with the Palestine poster work of the great Swiss artist Marc Rudin?
He is a comrade of mine and it can be said that he has done some of the most powerful and
popular Palestine posters ever.
Q: How do you want me to credit you/your work at the PPPA site..."Mirouille"?
On Jan 18, 2011, at 9:40 AM, mirouille wrote:
Hi Dan,
pretty good idea, your poster archive.
yes, I'm responsible for the website and for these posters.
i've designed most of them, except 2 of them which were designed by a graphic designer who gave me the right to publish and disseminate them at large (without signature).
all of them are copyleft "which means you can use them, disseminate them, as long as you don't earn money with them. Or if you do, you should send the benefits to Palestinian NGOs or solidarity organizations."
they exist as well in french
and a few have been translated into german (the ones at the end of the page)
feel free to include any of them in your archive, just mention that they come from
in solidarity++
mirouille - Geneva
Le 18.01.2011 15:22, Dan Walsh a écrit :
I am the archivist for the Palestine Poster Project Archives:
I'd like to create a new Special Collection for these posters.
I'd like to be in touch with the person responsible for this site and work, if possible.
Dan Walsh
Begin forwarded message:
From: mirouille
Date: January 19, 2011 3:14:01 AM EST
To: Dan Walsh
Subject: Re: The Palestine Poster Project Archives...
Hi Dan,
of course I know the work of Marc Rudin, Jihad Mansour
his work is one of the most brilliant! I'm a fan! and his commitment is inspiring too.
I have a Palestinian friend in France who had a similar idea about collecting posters on Palestine (printed)
I'll let him know about your website, maybe he might share his collection (i don't know whether he scanned them or not).
concerning credits, just mention "mirouille -"
except the 2 which are labelled as "designed by N." (stopOccupation3EN_A4.pdf & stopOccupation2EN_A4.pdf)
and let me know if you want me to send You all posters in one .zip file.
Le 18.01.2011 16:02, Dan Walsh a écrit :
Hello Mirouille,
OK...good...I will start on the new SpC today...
Are you familiar with the Palestine poster work of the great Swiss artist Marc Rudin?
He is a comrade of mine and it can be said that he has done some of the most powerful and
popular Palestine posters ever.
Q: How do you want me to credit you/your work at the PPPA site..."Mirouille"?
On Jan 18, 2011, at 9:40 AM, mirouille wrote:
Hi Dan,
pretty good idea, your poster archive.
yes, I'm responsible for the website and for these posters.
i've designed most of them, except 2 of them which were designed by a graphic designer who gave me the right to publish and disseminate them at large (without signature).
all of them are copyleft "which means you can use them, disseminate them, as long as you don't earn money with them. Or if you do, you should send the benefits to Palestinian NGOs or solidarity organizations."
they exist as well in french
and a few have been translated into german (the ones at the end of the page)
feel free to include any of them in your archive, just mention that they come from
in solidarity++
mirouille - Geneva
Le 18.01.2011 15:22, Dan Walsh a écrit :
I am the archivist for the Palestine Poster Project Archives:
I'd like to create a new Special Collection for these posters.
I'd like to be in touch with the person responsible for this site and work, if possible.
Dan Walsh