Ramallah Contemporary Dance Festival

Admin Notes

P1030735 DWPO.2009.027 Masahat FLUID Palestine Contemporary Dance Network Arab World 2009 2009 67.5 x 48.2 Dance, festival, performances White background, B&W image of man dancing at left, with text along his body, text throughout rest of poster and black rim at the bottom Jerusalem/ Capital/ of Arab Culture/ 2009 [UR]/ Maqamat [logo]/ Lebanon/ Multaqa Beirut/ for Contemporary Dance/ 15 April/ -30 April/ 1930/ First Ramallah Group [logo]/ Palestine/ Ramallah Festival/ for Contemporary Dance/ 21 April/ -10 May/ PAC/ The National Center/ for Culture & Performing Arts/ King Hussein Foundation [logo]/ Jordan/ Amman Festival/ for Contemporary Dance/ 19 April/ -22 April/ Tanween/ Tanween Net for theatrical Dance [logo]/ Syria/ Multaqa Dimashq/ for Contemporary Dance/ 19 April/ -23 April [right side]/ Contemporary/ Dance Network/ 09 masahat [vert center, Arabic & English]/ Palestine [Arabic, left, on dancer's head]/ APRIL/ 21/ >MAY 10/ 2009/ Nazareth/ RC/ DF/ Haifa/ Jerusalem/ Ramallah/ Nablus Bethlehem/ designed by FLUID | fluid@fluidoffline.com [vert LL]/ Ramallah Contemporary Dance Festival [LL, Arabic & English]/ For more information and reservation ; Sareyyet Ramallah Tel: 022952706 - 022952690 festival.sirreyeh@palnet.com www.sirreyeh.ps/festival09 [bottom center]/ supported by/ United Nations/ Educational, Scientific, and/ Cultural Organization/ Embassy of Switzerland/ Palestine/ Ministry of Health/ Capital of Arab Culture/ al-QUDS/ 2009/ A.M. Qattan Foundation/ 1908-2008/ Ramallah Municipality Centennial Project/ in cooperation with/ ZAN STUDIO/ GOETHE-INSITUT/ Korea Foundation/ Danish Center for Culture and Development/ MID ATLANTIC/ ARTS FOUNDATION/ Dramatiska institute/ Sida/ REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE/ Consulat General de Framce a Jerusalem/ CULTURESFRANCE/ Consolato Generale d'Italia/ a Gerusalemme/ nka/ BOTEGA/ cultureireland/ promoting Irish arts worldwide/ DC COMMISSION ON THE ARTS & HUMANITIES/ STICHTING/ DOEN/ Koreografisk Center/ Archauz/ KUNSRADET/ Danish Arts Council/ DWA/ NEDERLANDS FONDS VOOR/ SICA/ Theater Institut/ Nederland/ Swedish Institute/ INSTITUTO/ CAMOES/ PORTUGAL [LR]/. القدس\ عاصمة\ الثقافة العربية\ 2009\ مقامات\ لبنان\ ملتقى بيروت\ للرقص المعاصر\ 15 نيسان\-30 نيسان\ سرية رام الله الأولى\ فلسطين\ مهرجان رام الله\ للرقص المعاصر\ 21 نيسان\ -10 ايار\ الأردن\ مهرجان عمان\ للرقص المعاصر\ 19 نيسان\ -22 نيسان\ سوريا\ ملتقى دمشق\ للرقص المعاصر\ 19 نيسان\ -23 نيسان\ شبكة الرقص المعاصر\ مساحات 09\ فلسطين\ 12 نيسان\ 10 أيار 2009\ القدس\ الناصرة\ رام الله نابلس\ بيت لحم\ حيفا\ مهرجان رام الله للرقص المعاصر\ بدعم من مشروع مئوية بلدية رام الله\ مؤسسة عبد المحسن القطان\ القدس\ عاصمة الثقافة العربية\ فلسطين\ وزارة الثقافة\. Poster Creasing and .4 cm tear along left side of bottom edge Arabic English Dan Walsh