Ramallah Underground

Admin Notes

Q from the Palestine Poster Project Archives...
Dan Walsh to okaz.wien
show details Sep 28 (2 days ago)

Dear Friends,

Can you tell us who the artist is who created this poster?

Can you send us some printed copies? (We are happy to pay postage)

Do you have other Palestine posters? (We are happy to add them to the PPPA)

in solidarity,

Dan Walsh, Archivist
Okaz Hanzala to Mohammad, me
show details 6:45 AM (2 hours ago)
Dear Dan,

Thank you for your inquiry and for your interest in our posters.

The poster was designed by the Austrian artist Michaela Mayer for a Ramllah Underground concert at the protest action "Gaza Beach", which was held at the Danube channel in Vienna opposite to the "Tel Aviv Beach", financed by the Municipality of Vienna. We will be glad to send you some copies, as well as other Palestine posters made by the friends in Austria.

No need to pay postage, but we would be very thankful if we could order (and use) posters from your collection in a digital, high-resolved from.

Please indicate an address to which we can send.

Best regards

For the Austrian-Arab Cultural Centre
Mohammad Abu-Rous