Dan Walsh
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Mapai - Illustrated Poster
"VeHaOrvim Kor'im: Rak Ra, Rak Ra" [and the crows call: only bad, only bad], illustrated poster issued by Mapai party. Lit. printing "Dafna", [Bnei-Brak, 1950s?]. Hebrew.
Illustration of a pioneer sowing, with crows on his right side. On three crows appear the ballot letters of the parties "Maki", "Hatzionim HaKlaliyim" and "Herut". On the bottom appears the inscription "And the crows call: Rak Ra, Rak Ra" (Hebrew).
47.5X66 cm. Good condition. Folding marks and small tears. Inscription on upper right corner. The entire poster is mound on thin, acid-free, paper.
Provenance: Collection of Dr. Simon Cohen.