Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Yiddish translation:
Vote for the Zionist list (No. 6), all who believe in the rebirth of our land through Hebrew labor
Jewish workers, storeowners, salesclerks, all who suffer from exile and misery, your friends are the Zionists, who call for a home of their own for the Jewish people
To the All-Russian Jewish Congress!
"...were there indeed Zionists in the Diaspora who believed that in Eretz Israel they would encounter Ruth the Maobite gathering sheaves of corn in the fields? Did they really imagine that women pioneers in Eretz Israel wore biblical garb? Be that as it may, a poster printed in Russia in 1917 on the occasion of the elections to the general assembly or Russian Jewry (fig. 44) was intended to illustrate the idea underlying the text: 'Vote for the Zionist List (No. 6), all who believe in the rebirth of our land through Hebrew labor'. It is reasonable to assume that the List's supporters were aware that these were allegorical figures, representing ancient Jewish farmers whom Zionism sought to restore as of old."
"Blue and White in Color: Visual Images of Zionism, 1897-1947"
page 50
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23 1/4" x 18 1/4"