intriguing comment you made earlier
Dan Walsh
8:10 AM (9 hours ago)
to kamal.boullata
"The poster was printed in Beirut by some ad-hoc committee ( I don’t remember its exact name) that popped up in the aftermath of the 1967 War. I was already in the US when it was published as part of a set of posters using art by Arab painters to express solidarity with the Palestinian cause. I think all these paintings were selected from Gallery One in Beirut. This color ink painting which was never intended to originally represent Deir Yasin had been among a whole bunch of works I had left with the poet Yusif al-Khal who was the owner of Gallery One. The selection of paintings to serve as posters was made by the Iraqi graphic designer Waddah Faris, (later director of Contact Gallery in Beirut and then Galerie Faris in Paris) who designed that set of posters and who named it Deir Yasin. Kamal"
ya Kamal,
Relative to your comment about a "set of posters"...can you tell me:
How many posters were in that set?
Which posters were in that set?
I would love to locate, liberate and post them all at the PPPA.
8:30 AM (8 hours ago)
to me
There were about a dozen posters. Each of them reproduced a painting by a contemporary Arab artist. Most artists were from Iraq. There were also artists from Lebanon and Syria. Mine was the only work by a Palestinian.
From: Dan Walsh []
Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2013 2:11 PM
Subject: intriguing comment you made earlier
Dan Walsh
8:49 AM (8 hours ago)
to kamal.boullata
mumkin these posters are from the series you mention? Dan
4:41 PM (41 minutes ago)
to me
Yes indeed all these images are of posters from the same series that were designed and named by the Iraqi graphic designer living in Beirut Waddah Faris and that were published by the Friends of Jerusalem.
1. Count Bernadotte by Dia Azzawi.
2. Homage to Karameh is not by Dia Azzawi. It looks more like a painting by the Iraqi artist Kadhim Haydar.
3. Scorched Earth is indeed by the Lebanese painter Rafic Charaf.
4. Requiem for a Martyr is indeed a painting by the Lebanese Khalil Zgaib.
5. I am not sure if the painting in the poster with Eliot’s “Repeat a prayer…” is by Ibrahim Hazimah, a Palestinian who grew up in a refugee camp in Syria and who has been living in Dresden ever since the early 1960s. It is more like a painting by a painter from the second generation of Iraqi artists.
From: Dan Walsh []
Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2013 2:49 PM
Subject: Re: intriguing comment you made earlier
Dan Walsh
5:22 PM (0 minutes ago)
to kamal.boullata
ya Kamal,
enta mazboot wa nasif.... I dug out the digital file on that poster...see the attachment.
Mabrook and thank you. I corrected the page. I love it when the data is correct and complete.
Also...I am attaching a macro shot of the signature on the "Hazimah" poster. I don't think you can read it (I cannot) so I will access the original sometime soon, shoot a large macro of just the signature and perhaps we can resolve authorship then. SO much forensics goes into archival work.
I am going to create a new Special Collection titled "Friends of Jerusalem" and will send you the url so you can see it. I would like to present all those posters, iza mumkin.
Good to be in touch with you again.
PS: I just graduated from Georgetown! Got a Masters in Arab Studies. Ironic, mazboot?
Begin forwarded message:
From: Suleiman Mansour
Date: December 12, 2010 12:25:49 PM EST
To: Dan Walsh
Subject: Re: yours and maybe yours? dan
The first one(1189) is mine the other one(1203)is for Ibrahim Haziemeh
On Sun, Dec 12, 2010 at 10:09 AM, Dan Walsh wrote:
I just found this ... have you seen this edition before?
this has a signature...yours? dan
Best Regards
Suleiman Mansour
00972 545585428
00972 597509957