Resilience Flows Between Us

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Re: MAD respect!


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Michelle Sayles <>

5:05 PM (45 minutes ago)






to me, waficfaour



Dear Dan,

Thank you so much for reaching out about this piece. We'd love for it to be included in the Palestine Poster Project Archive and appreciate this work that you're doing! I'll also share a few other projects I've done with VTJP and others:

1. "Resilience Flows Between Us" Banner

Dimensions: 3 x 7 ft

English only

Created: July 2023

Artist: Michelle Sayles

More photos:

Also created alongside this campaign was a stand-alone illustration (also linked above).

2. Najawa: A Story of Palestine

Dimensions: 9 panels (4x5 ft)

English only

Created: August 2015

Artists: Michelle Sayles and jen berger

For more info/photos:

3. "Think of Others" installation

Dimensions: 10 panels (8 x 4 ft)

English and Arabic

Artists: Delia Robinson, Jen Berger, Betsy Kelly, Marita Canedo, Robert W. Brunell, Michelle Sayles and Greg Giordano.

Created: August 2016

For more info:


Please feel free to reach out for additional information, and thank you for doing what you're doing.

In solidarity <3


-Michelle Sayles


On Mon, Feb 12, 2024 at 7:25 AM <> wrote:

You have been acknowledged, much love . Wafic. :

From: Ian Stokes <>
Date: February 11, 2024 at 8:49:02 PM EST
To: Wafic Faour <>
Subject: Fwd: MAD respect!


 Hi Wafic,

Here's an inquiry about adding the "Resilience Flows Between US" banner to an archive of posters about Palestine.
Who was the artist?  Was it Michelle Sayles?

If so, we should ask her.


-------- Forwarded Message --------

Subject:MAD respect!
Date:Sun, 11 Feb 2024 11:37:33 -0500
From:PPPA <>


Dear Green Mountain Comrades,


The Palestine Poster Project Archives seeks to honor the poster artists who honor Palestine with their creativity and solidarity. May we add the name of the artist who created this poster:


Having a fully documented page for each poster - publisher, artist, dates, dimensions, translations, etc. aids Palestine's effort to have its poster art heritage recognized in the Western art canon, a major step towards the legitimization of this unique graphic tradition. You can learn more about Palestine's efforts to have its posters recognized by UNESCO's Memory of the World program here  and here.


We well understand that there are situations where the identity of the artist(s) could compromise their safety or that of their comrades. In those instances we list the following credit: “Deliberately/Collectively Anonymous”. If at some future time the artist(s) choose to self-identify we will gladly accommodate them. 


If either the artist or the publisher wishes to have their web sites listed please include the link here.


In solidarity,


Dan Walsh/PPPA


PS: if you are not the correct party to address this letter to but you know who is, please forward it on. Thanks. 


A revolution which does not aim at changing me by changing the relations between people does not interest me; what is more, I doubt whether a revolution which does not affect me enough to transform me is really a revolution at all. The Palestinian revolution has established new kinds of relations which have changed me, and in this sense the Palestinian revolution is my revolution.

Jean Genet 

The Palestinians