Retribution Is Inevitable

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Russian translation: Retribution is inevitable _____________________________ Curator's note: The graphic in this poster features a panel of judges at the top, apparently a reference to the International Military Tribunal, also known as the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials (owing to the noose in the shape of the date "1946"). A large hand points to a small figure bearing the star of David, carrying a rifle and a sign that reads "the Begin clique". This is apparently a reference to the Begin government and its decision to invade Lebanon in 1982
Admin Notes

Anti Israel Inevitable Retribution 1946


Original vintage Soviet propaganda poster - Retribution Is Inevitable - featuring a hand pointing at a soldier wearing a helmet marked with the Star of David and holding a gun with a sign Clique of Benine - Клика Бенина around his neck in front of a pile or rubble in black and white with Retribution is Inevitable written in graffiti style letters, the O formed as a noose hanging from the top with 1946 written next to a group of men above against the red background, the 6 also formed as a rope noose, referencing the Israeli politician Menachem Begin (1913-1992), who was the leader of the Irgun Zionist paramilitary group in 1946 that carried out the King David Hotel bombing in Jerusalem (the offices of the British Mandatory authorities of Palestine, Secretariat of the Government of Palestine and the Headquarters of the British Armed Forces) using the operation code word Chick for the hotel. Excellent condition.






Propaganda Posters


B. Reshetnikov

Size (cm)
