P1020691 DWPO.2010b.054 Sacred Right BADIL YMCA Jerusalem Palestine 2003 Aug-10 70.0 x 49.8 refugees, right of return, commemoration, nakba Photograph in magenta hues of Palestinian refugee fleeing across water in 1948, foreground image of old woman being carried by an old man. The right of Return is a sacred right [top right, in Arabic]/ Hope is born from the womb of memory [lower right, in Arabic]/ Cultural Week for Commemorating the 55th Anniversay of the Palestinian Nakba 5/13-20/2003 [bottom center, in Arabic]/ The right of return is a sacred right [bottom center, faded in background with prominant logos of YMCA, BADIL, PLO Popular Committee to serve the Dheishah Refugee Camp, National Charity Organization, and Ibdaa]/. حق العودة حق مقدس\ من رحم الذكرى ستولد الامال\ الاسبوع الثقافي لإحياء الذكرى إل55 للنكبة الفلسطينية من 13-20 /5/ 2003\ جمعية الشبان المسيحية\ القدس\ بديل - المركز الفلسطيني\ لمصادر حقوق المواطنة واللاجئين\ اللجنة الشعبية لخدمات\ مخيم الدهيشة\ الجمعية الوطنية الخيرية\ مركز حوار\ إبداع-لتنمية قدرات الطفل\ والتبادل الثقافي الدولي\. Poster slight fold at LR corner, some creasing at top left corner. Arabic Dan Walsh
Return Is A Sacred Right
Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Arabic translation:
The right of return is a sacred right
Hope is born from the womb of memory
Cultural week for commemorating the 55th anniversay of the Palestinian Nakba
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70.0 x 49.8 cm
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