Submitted on Thursday, February 23, 2023 - 17:53
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Your name: Majd Alrafie
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I'm writing to let you know that I am the artist behind this poster:
thank you for including it within your archives :-)
If there is a way I can open source it, maybe I can share the original file
with you?
Thanks again!
Majd Alrafie
Designer/ Illustrator
MA student - The Center for Human Rights and the Arts 23'
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1:03 PM (9 minutes ago)
ya Majd, Look now: Nice work! Forgive me but I don't know what "open source" means. Also
Majd Alrafie
1:09 PM (3 minutes ago)
to me
Hi Dan,
Thank you for getting back to me!
I’m co-heading an SJP chapter at Bard College right now. They have a super boring Palestine 101 presentation that I’m working on right now… need to update it and make it more fun. That’s how I found my poster, I went looking for some cool PFLP posters and I found my artwork!
I have some more on my website/portfolio:
Let me know when you update the info on the poster!
This is so exciting.
Thanks again!
Majd Alrafie