was this like a seminal Palestinian film?
Dan Walsh
Mar 6 (3 days ago)
to Nick
I ask because different posters (old ones) keep popping up.
Nick - PFF
Mar 7 (2 days ago)
to me
Wow, these are very interesting.
Actually the film is not by any means a seminal Palestinian film. It was an Egyptian silly, all-action romance-heroic tale that co-opted the image of the Palestinianfed’ai and turned it into a cheesy spectacle for the commercial cinema. It was a film the Palestinian filmmakers actually singled out for contempt, and for which one of them coined the phrase “Mujadarra Western”.
It infuriated them so much because it did what they were really trying not to do: it presented the feda’I as an unreal superman, thereby alienating audiences from the revolution, rather than inviting them to participate and recognise themselves in the revolution as a project”of the people”.
I say all of this having never actually seen the film – just a few stills, and lots of disparaging descriptions from the Palestinians who loathed it!
Nick Denes
Palestine Film Foundation,
27 Old Gloucester Street,
London, WC1N 3XX,