Riscossa Populare

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Italy's far-left escalates anti-Israel campaign with blacklist of Jews and Zionists

Far-left coalition in Italy calls for boycott of Israel, issuing blacklist of individuals and companies allegedly linked to country; notice raises concerns of possible retaliation, as similar rhetoric had targeted media outlets before

Giovanni Giacalone|09.07.24 | 13:11

On August 22, 2024, the Italian branch of the New Communist Party (NPC), together with the Arab-Palestinian Democratic Union (UDAP) and CARC Communist Resistance Support Committee (Comitato di Supporto alla Resistenza Comunista), issued a 24-page long public notice (notice no. 145) calling for the boycott of Israel and the fight against the Zionists in Italy.

The extremist formation published a list with Italian and Israeli companies, as well as Italian Jewish and non-Jewish politicians, academics, diplomats, journalists and activists, all accused of being “Zionists” and “on Israel's payroll.”...

While the notice does not explicitly call for physical attacks, it still exposes the people on the list to possible violent retaliation.


