Samed Folio
7:35 AM (3 hours ago)
ya rafeeqy Bashar, I hope this finds you well and safe. I write to ask you if you know anything about this folio:
Bashar Shasmmout
10:22 AM (41 minutes ago)
to me
Hi Dan,
so nice to hear from you. Well yes, I of course remember the folio very well. My father collected the steel engraved graphics in the book/folio from various sources (mainly from European libraries and archives) and reprinted them in this book which carried the Arabic name فلسطين تاريخ وحضارة (don’t remember the correct English translated title of the book). So, it was produced in 2 languages (English and Arabic) and yes, he pulled the graphics together and all the graphics inside were drawn by European artists who visited Palestine in the 19th century, a major part was done by the British David Roberts.
The book/folio was big sized (roughly 65 x 45 cm) AND very heavy. It was produced/financed in cooperation with SAMED which also printed the book in Beirut. As I remember, that was the only book/folio cooperation with SAMED. The book was mainly given as an official present to important visitors who came to visit Arafat and the PLO in the late 1970s but also sold to wealthy Palestinians. I don’t how many pieces were printed, but I don’t think more that 500 or 1000.
Actually, we (the family) still own a copy of it at my mother’s place in Amman, and would love to bring it over to me to Germany, but it is really bulky and heavy for why I couldn’t carry it with my in the plane.
Salam my dear..
[ PPPA Contact Form Submission]
Aniko Krug
Mon, May 20, 2019, 6:26 AM
to me
Submitted on Monday, May 20, 2019 - 10:26
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Dear Team,
i´m sorry for disturb, i would like to have your help.
I inherited from my aunt one Collection from "SAMED" i think year 1977,
unfortunetly i have no idea what is it, and all the texts are arabic.
can you help me to say what i have and what i can do with this collection?
i can send Photos when you give me possibility to do that.
Best regards