Samidoun Protest NYC

Analysis / Interpretation / Press / Source


Barakat emphasized that the Palestinian left is “also an Arab movement and also an international movement. … Our internationalist dimension does not only mean having comrades from outside the Arab world joining our struggle, but also to be a genuine part of their struggles.” He saluted the Black Liberation movement as a global inspiration to freedom struggles.

The evening event followed an outdoor protest in front of the Best Buy electronics store in Union Square as part of the ongoing Samidoun campaign to build the boycott of Hewlett-Packard. Protesters also emphasized their rejection of Trump’s declaration purporting to “recognize” Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, emphasizing that Jerusalem is Palestine’s capital. They also focused on the cases of Palestinian political prisoners, including PFLP General Secretary and Palestinian national leader Ahmad Sa’adat and imprisoned leftist parliamentarian and advocate Khalida Jarrar.
