, 1 JULY 2011
Switzerland: enjoy a BBQ and a beer while killing Jews
Anti-Semitic Poster Shocks Geneva Jews - A poster showing a Jewish figure shot by an arrow is spurring outrage in Geneva.
The ad for a Swiss national day party planned for Aug. 1 by the extremist group GNC shows a doll wearing a skullcap and an Israeli flag with an arrow in its forehead, evoking the legend of William Tell, with the slogan, “Save Switzerland: Shoot Straight!” in French. "This is a call for the murder of Jews," Jonah Gurfinkel said.
A GNC (Genève Non Conforme) member said the ad was directed against the Israeli government, not Jews. Jewish groups say they are considering a lawsuit.
Figure 1 - not antisemitic according the Swiss group:
Figure 2 - after charges of antisemitism, the group made two alterations - it is not anti-Jew, it's anti-Israel:
The poster for the party scheduled for August 1, the national day, promises "music, roasted [!] food, beer and much more":
The poster as it features now on the association blog.
Labels: Switzerland