Serenading Happiness

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source

Curator's note: This poster was published in several versions one of which may be viewed here


Arabic translation:

..because the storm promised me wine and new toasts

I have been serenading happiness

Mahmoud Darwish


Promises of the Storm

So be it.

I can assure you that I will refuse death

And burn the tears of the bleeding songs

And strip the olive trees

Of all their counterfeit branches

If I have been serenading happiness

Somewhere beyond the eyelids of frightened eyes

That is because the storm

Promised me wine and new toasts

And rainbows

Because the storm

Swept away the voices of idiotic, obedient birds

And swept away the counterfeit branches

From the trunks of standing trees

So be it
 I must be proud of you

Oh wounded city

You are lightning in our sad night

When the street frowns at me

You protect me from the shadows

And the looks of hatred

I will go on serenading happiness

Somewhere beyond the eyelids of frightened eyes

For from the time the storm began to rage in my country

It has promised me wine and rainbows

by: Mahmoud Darwish

Admin Notes

According to Emile (May 2013), this is the original, although the color is more like the one with English on it. He didn't do any Palestine posters after 1982 -- and he was outside the country when the Israelis invaded, and then spent years in France. Begin forwarded message: From: hosni radwan Date: June 14, 2010 11:14:30 AM EDT To: Dan Walsh Subject: Fwd: by emile?? I think you R Smart,,, -- Hosni Radwan Mobile:+972599307969 Skype:hosniradwan Ramallah,Palestine