Sharpville - My Lai - West Beirut

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Dutch translation: Support the struggle of the Palestinian and Lebanese people
Admin Notes

Begin forwarded message:

From: steven wachlin
Date: September 25, 2010 12:20:08 PM EDT
To: Dan Walsh
Subject: Re: A summary and a thank you...

Dan, it is a really nice break from my book so please procede.

About the IISH all I can say is that they picked up my posters and then returned them, what they did with them I can't say.

I was probably in a rush so sent that one multiple times. Just resend anything which I didn't answer.


On Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 5:25 PM, Dan Walsh wrote:
Hey Steven,

Let me begin by saying thanks for all the responses you have sent. I wish everyone I dealt with were as swift and reliable as you.

I know you are busy with your own research and writing so when you write back please do tell me, no varnish, if there are changes to the pace and timing of this Special Collection development you'd like to see. In other words, am I driving you nuts or can we proceed apace?

I will conform to your preferences, whatever they are.

Some items:

1) I think what happened is that IISH took your posters and shot them when they shot their posters. Yes? What this means is that all the posters that come from that swap are EITHER yours or IISH's. Here are the url's for those two SpC's. If you can confirm that the one's in your SpC are correct and that there is nothing in the IISH one that belongs in your batch...we will be in good shape.

2) You sent this same email 3 or 4 times yesterday. I am not sure if you just had a keyboard spaz attack or if there are 3 or 4 other posters that you THINK you sent me ... but didn't. Do you?

not mine


On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 11:15 PM, Dan Walsh wrote:

3) to make things more smooth I will just put the URL in the Subject line and you can respond with a simple "Yes" ( It is mine) or "No" (I will assume it then belongs in IISH)

This work for you? I am suggesting we smooth things out because there are 159 jpegs on the CD that IISH made and I have to go through all of them.

4) Once we get these 159 sorted do you want to consider adding the balance of posters you have? It may be that I have a lot of them already up at the site. This would mean you'd have to go through the whole PPPA (or at least the International wellspring) and see if they are already there. If you do find posters that are in your collection that are already up all I have to do is add them to your shooting pics, no new jpegs needed...nothing. Just add them. This is so easy.

OK...just confirm the content of your SpC and that there's nothing in the IISH SpC that is your and I will give you the weekend off! :)

We can keep moving along, take a break or decide.

in solidarity,


PS: I LIKED this went fast and it made the PPPA so much better (did I tell you that you are the first "private" SpC?)

It also feels good to put into final form work that we did like what, ten or more years ago?

Begin forwarded message:

From: steven wachlin
Date: September 25, 2010 4:22:04 AM EDT
To: Dan Walsh
Subject: Re: yours?

Just found another 20 plus posters so I am now just over 300.

As a result this poster can now go to the Yes column.
Further no changes.

On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 10:18 PM, Dan Walsh wrote: