Shattered the Fascist Tanks

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source

Arabic translation:

Glory to the militants who shattered the fascist tanks in the (military command) units


Curator's Note: According to Dr. Charles Tripp and Dr. Abdel Razzak Takriti my orginal interpretation of this poster as relating to the battle of al Karameh was incorrect. They pointed out that this poster is more accurately interpreted as relating to Black September and the "battle of the camps" fought between the forces of King Hussein of Jordan and the Palestine Liberation Organization in 1970-1971. (Not to be confused with the later "War of the Camps" in Lebanon) The use of the term "fascist" in the poster, a term reserved exclusively for King Hussein's regime in the context of the PLO-Jordanian conflict, validates their interpretation. They are absolutely correct. I thank them for their scholarship. DJW 


Admin Notes

Begin forwarded message: From: hosni radwan Date: May 29, 2010 11:48:48 AM EDT To: Dan Walsh Subject: Fwd: Emile? Natheer? Meen, ya hakeem al fen al filustini.... I think this poster by Ghassan Kanafani, I'm not sure,, -- Hosni Radwan Mobile:+972599307969 Skype:hosniradwan Ramallah,Palestine

From: Subject: Re: by themselves or by squadrons... Date: April 17, 2010 11:38:36 PM EDT To: the word is wi'hdaat, which sounds like waahid because it means military command unit. Changed it. On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 12:31 AM, Dan Walsh wrote: that's one of the things I love about Arabic...the same word can mean its like, total opposite. The last two words on this poster either mean "by themselves" or "by squadrons...or units". I know "ala wahidihi" is "by himself" but I could not find any use of wahada with a "fi"...preposition. will be something completely different. Dw

Now You Are Famous 

Dan Walsh
Jun 2 (4 days ago)

to Charles

Brother Charles,

Am back home and just unpacking and here is the first TWIWU image at the PPPA.

If you like I can:

Add any links you want
Add the text of your presentation if you have it written out
Add a synopsis of the points you were making on this poster if you want to write it up

Probably u have spoken with Nick...the hold up on the posters to PPPA/BM is the result of Nick's printer not getting the order right but he will work that out and in the end we will all be happy-happy.

I think Nick is amazing. Khaled too. Also you. And Venetia especially.

Run with this as you wish. I will gladly accommodate.

Charles Tripp
Jun 3 (3 days ago)

to me 
Dear Dan,
Fame at last!  Many thanks for the link and delighted that you got home safely.  I didn't write out my talk at Richmix but spoke from notes.  I'm attaching these and if you think they make sense in note form and that people would derive some benefit from them, I would be happy for you to put them up on the PPPA site. The numbers in highlights refer to particular slides from the Powerpoint show.  I would also be happy to send that to you, but at 15 MB it's rather a big file.  Also, some of the images of graffiti etc are taken from the internet and thus not fully credited and I don't know if this would be a problem from your point of view.  Do let me know.

The person who told me about the PFLP poster was Dr Abdel Razzak Takriti -  He's the one who pointed it out to me some years ago when I was giving a talk at Oxford.  I had also thought that it must be referring to the battle of Karameh, but he said that the word 'fascist' was the key in the caption to understanding that the PFLP was referring to an Arab regime, rather than to Israel, and so he thought that it almost certainly refers to the 1970/71 'battle of the camps' in Jordan. I'm sure that he would welcome an enquiry from you.

I shall contact Nick and we shall find a way of getting all those posters into the British Museum.  As you say, it will make everyone happy.

Venetia joins me in sending all her best wishes with mine,
Charles Tripp  FBA
Professor of Politics with reference to the Middle East
Department of Politics and International Studies
School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
Thornhaugh Street

tel + 44 (0) 20 7898 4748
fax + 44 (0) 20 7898 4559

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