She Is Palestine

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Source: Shelf mark HS.74/2306(3) British Library
Admin Notes

Palestine poster question






Dan Walsh 

Mon, Mar 11, 7:02 AM (1 day ago)


to Daniel






Hello Daniel,

I came upon this poster recently and added it to the PPPA:


I clicked on it in Googleimages and it took me to your twitter page but since I don't have twitter or FB or anything but email I wrote to BL.


May I ask you some q's?


1) Is this poster in the BL? If yes, can u send me the direct link? If not, can you tell me where it does live?


2) Can you shoot a hi res shot of the logo? It does not comport with any of the GUPW logos on any of he other posters at the GUPW Special Collection at PPPA:


3) Do you have/have access to any other Palestine posters?


best regards,

Dan Walsh/PPPA




Lowe, Daniel

8:43 AM (9 minutes ago)


to me









Hi Dan,


The poster is held in the BL’s collections: Shelf mark HS.74/2306(3) – details in our online catalogue. We have not formally digitised it and made it available – I posted an image from my phone on my Twitter.


I’ll send you a high res shot of the logo in due course. I’m quite pressed for time for the rest of the week and the I’m travelling until 29 Mar.


We have two further posters which may be of interest: HS.74/2306(1) and HS.74/2306(2) – details of which are in our online catalogue, but these two also aren’t digitised.



