DJW: This attribution is, I believe, wrong - 3-2017
"The Message of Yom HaZikaron (Israel's Memorial Day) - Togetherness.- Together to Victory." Artist: Z. Bergman, Tel Aviv. (Yeshiva University Museum). Yom HaZikaron is different in character and mood from the American Memorial Day. For 24 hours (from sunset to sunset) all places of public entertainment are closed. During the day the wailing of an air-raid siren throughout the country, brings the entire public to a two-minute standstill of all traffic and daily activities.
Question about a poster
Bonni-Dara Michaels
2:00 PM (1 hour ago)
to me
Dear Mr. Walsh:
Thank you for bringing this to my attention. You are correct that Bergman isn’t the artist. Attached is the information about the production of this poster. It is dated 21 Sivan 1948.
Why do you believe this poster to be the work of Yohanan Simon? While there are stylistic similarities to Simon’s work, he appears to have signed (or at least initialed) his works in English or Hebrew, and this poster has neither his signature nor his initials.
Bonni-Dara Michaels
Collections Curator
Yeshiva University Museum
212-294-8330 x 8815
From: Dan Walsh []
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2017 3:02 PM
To: YUM Info
Subject: Question about a poster
The attached poster is sourced to the Yeshiva University Museum at several sites.
It is credited as the work of Zvi Berger. We disagree and believe this is the work of Yohanan Simonis. Can you check your holdings and confirm
whether or not it is the work of Yohanan Simon?
Thank you,
Dan Wals/Curator PPPA
Attachments area
Dan Walsh
3:06 PM (43 minutes ago)
to Bonni-Dara
Hello Bonni,
Thanks for your reply.
You asked:
"Why do you believe this poster to be the work of Yohanan Simon?"
1) Not only are there stylistic similarities between this work and other posters by YS but they are numerous, very strong and consistent. See some of his other posters here:
The muted pallete, forward-facing of the action and figures, drifting edges of figures' outlines and utensils are among the specific similarities I notice.
2) Thematically (military/heroic) it is of a piece with several other posters he did.
3) In terms of graphic/iconic content...his treatment of and inclusion of human figures and highlighting the muscular forearm is very obvious as is the close, almost intimate grouping of the individuals in the poster. To my eye some of the figures could be interchanged with those of some of his other posters.
4) I do not have a high resolution jpeg so I cannot see if there is a signature or not. The right hand edge of the poster appears to be cropped and a signature could have been cut out. It is worth noting that a number of posters attributed to YS are not signed as well. Do you have a better jpeg that you can share with me? Can you send me the dimensions of the poster?
5) Several volunteer Hebrew translators have sent in competing/conflicting traslations including the one now at the page:
"One Shoulder" was another caption. How does YUM translate the caption?
If it turns out I am wrong about this I will correct the page immediately. However, till such time I am presenting this work as Attributed to Simon.
best regards,
Dan Walsh
Bonni-Dara Michaels
3:37 PM (12 minutes ago)
to me
Dear Dan,
Thank you for explaining so thoroughly why you believe this should be attributed to Simon. I have made a note in our database that he is a likely artist, but unlike you, have no way to qualify this.
I examined this poster carefully and see no signature or initials in Hebrew or in English.
The caption could be translated “shoulder to shoulder”. This is a quotation from Bialik’s poem, Birkat Ha-am which ends “…come shoulder to shoulder to the aid of the people.”
Attached are two images of the poster; perhaps one is better than the one you have.
Bonni-Dara Michaels
Collections Curator
Yeshiva University Museum
212-294-8330 x 8815
From: Dan Walsh []
Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2017 3:06 PM
To: Bonni-Dara Michaels
Subject: Re: Question about a poster
Hello Bonni,
Thanks for your reply.
You asked:
"Why do you believe this poster to be the work of Yohanan Simon?"
1) Not only are there stylistic similarities between this work and other posters by YS but they are numerous, very strong and consistent. See some of his other posters here:
The muted pallete, forward-facing of the action and figures, drifting edges of figures' outlines and utensils are among the specific similarities I notice.
2) Thematically (military/heroic) it is of a piece with several other posters he did.
3) In terms of graphic/iconic content...his treatment of and inclusion of human figures and highlighting the muscular forearm is very obvious as is the close, almost intimate grouping of the individuals in the poster. To my eye some of the figures could be interchanged with those of some of his other posters.
4) I do not have a high resolution jpeg so I cannot see if there is a signature or not. The right hand edge of the poster appears to be cropped and a signature could have been cut out. It is worth noting that a number of posters attributed to YS are not signed as well. Do you have a better jpeg that you can share with me? Can you send me the dimensions of the poster?
5) Several volunteer Hebrew translators have sent in competing/conflicting traslations including the one now at the page:
"One Shoulder" was another caption. How does YUM translate the caption?
If it turns out I am wrong about this I will correct the page immediately. However, till such time I am presenting this work as Attributed to Simon.
best regards,
Dan Walsh
On Wed, Mar 15, 2017 at 2:00 PM, Bonni-Dara Michaels wrote:
Dear Mr. Walsh:
Thank you for bringing this to my attention. You are correct that Bergman isn’t the artist. Attached is the information about the production of this poster. It is dated 21 Sivan 1948.
Why do you believe this poster to be the work of Yohanan Simon? While there are stylistic similarities to Simon’s work, he appears to have signed (or at least initialed) his works in English or Hebrew, and this poster has neither his signature nor his initials.
Bonni-Dara Michaels
Collections Curator
Yeshiva University Museum
212-294-8330 x 8815
From: Dan Walsh []
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2017 3:02 PM
To: YUM Info
Subject: Question about a poster
The attached poster is sourced to the Yeshiva University Museum at several sites.
It is credited as the work of Zvi Berger. We disagree and believe this is the work of Yohanan Simonis. Can you check your holdings and confirm
whether or not it is the work of Yohanan Simon?
Thank you,
Dan Wals/Curator PPPA