Sinead O'Connor Sent A Letter

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Sinead O'Connor sent a letter to the right-wing man who boasted about canceling her appearance

"How will there be peace in the world if there is no peace in Jerusalem?"

Jerusalem (Rafi). Singer Shaineid O'Connor, who performed for peace in Jerusalem after receiving threats on her life, yesterday sent an open letter to far-right activist Itamar Ben Gabir, who gloated that it was his threats that frightened the Irish singer. "As a child, I remember watching TV in Ireland on Christmas Eve. I saw Israeli men and Palestinian invaders beating each other in the place where their beliefs were born. The two are sad and frightened. Ask God: How will there be peace anywhere on earth if there is no peace in Rochelle? I ask the same question to why Ben Gabir." The singer forwarded a copy of the letter to the agency IP.

O'Connor, The Ten Commandments

Ben Gabir, radio interview

Gabir is a member of the "Ni-Axis Idea Front", a faction of the "So" movement, which was outlawed. In the past, he was proud of the fact that he managed to get the emblem of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin's salvage car, an Arab

who gave the water for her life. O'Connor said that she decided to write the letter after seeing the printout of Ben Gabir's interview. "He was proud of it, it was very scary and contrary to all of Ben Gabir's heart for the Ten Commandments of Ruth. God does not reward those who cast a curse on the children of the world. Therefore, you did not succeed, and your soul was cooked," said Nur. She turned her attention

killed themselves

I will measure you yesterday in Jerusalem to the sea and call for it to become the capital of both Israelis and Palestinians. She cooked it two weeks ago after the British and Irish embassies in Tel Aviv received death threats against her son

Read an interview

In a radio interview last week, Ben Gvir said that his supporters and he brought about the cancellation of Or Konor's show, but did not state that he