16th International Puppet Festival Palestinian National Theater Palestine 2009 Aug-10 64 x 45.5 Performance, Festival, Puppets, Children Two painted hands coming out of a post-stamped shipment box, black and grey background. The Sixteenth International Puppet Festival [top center]/ AUTHORIZED [stamp on box]/ Al-Hakawati/Palestinian National Theater/ Abu Abeidah Street/ P.O. Box 20462/ Jerusalem - Palestine/ Email: info@pnt-pal.org/ Tel. 02-6280957 [written as address on left side of box, lower left side of poster, below logo for PNT, in Arabic]/ AIR MAIL/ S.T.A.M.P. 2009/ Children First/ 22/10-04/11/ The Sixteenth International Puppet Festival [written on right side of box, lower right side of poster, below photo of child painting on herself]/ Sponsored by:/ A.M. Qattan Foundation/ The French Cultural Centre CCF/ Greek Consulate [LL, next to logos for AMQF, CCF, and Greek Consulate]/ Al-Hakawati/Palestinian National Theater [bottom center, bellow logo for PNT]/ In Cooperation with:/ Mahmoud Darwish Centre-Nazareth/ Isaad Al Tofola-Hebron/ Freedom Theatre-Jenin/ Al Rouad Centre-Bethlehem/ Jericho Municipality [LR]/. المهرجان الدولي السادس عشر للدمى والعرائس\ الأطفال أولا\ الحكواتي/المسرح الوطني الفلسطيني\ شارع أبو عبيدة\ ص.ب 20462\ القدس - فلسطين\ البريد الالكتروني: info@pnt-pal.org\ بدعم من:\ مؤسسة عبد المحسن القطان\ المركز الثقافي الفرنسي\ القنصلية اليونانية - القدس\ الحكواتي / المسرح الوطني الفلسطيني\ بالتعاون مع:\ مركز محمود درويش-الناصرة\ إسعاد الطفولة-الخليل\ مسرح الحرية-جنين\ مركز الرواد-بيت لحم\ بلدية أريحا\. Poster Arabic English Dan Walsh P1020725
Begin forwarded message: From: Mohammed Amous Date: September 5, 2011 11:00:42 PM EDT To: Dan Walsh Subject: Re: Lak, mazboot? ayi sena'a? al rafeeq, Dan as i remember it was 2009 2011/9/6 Dan Walsh http://www.palestineposterproject.org/poster/the-sixteenth-international... -- Mohammed Amous Illustrator & Graphic Designer 0598 18 41 93