Skies Above - Ground Below

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Arabic translation: Come forward... come forward The skies above you are hell And all the ground below you is hell March 30th Land Day Curator's note: The text in this poster is addressed to the Israeli Defense Forces through the use of the Arabic second person plural ending "kum/كم" ("you" plural). The words "Come forward...Come forward" are a taunt to Israeli soldiers who enter the Occupied Territories and the subtext is that the earth, the trees and the skies themselves are resisting the Occupation and that the landscape is laden with hidden dangers 
Admin Notes

Cara and Esteban got this poster in Buenos Aires in 2010

I edited the translation so it makes sense. I would also add to the curator's note that the words "Come forward.. Come forward" constitute a challenge for soldiers to enter occupied territories, and the implicated threat is that the earth and the skies are laden with fire. Interesting personification of the land as actor/resistor. 2010/4/22 Dan Walsh