P1030734 DWPO.2009.028 Social Rehabilitation 2 Ayesh Samaher Palestine TAMKEEN Young Artists Forum Palestine 2009 67.6 x 48.1 Children, art, support Collage cutout art piece at top half of bird carrying letters and flying through flowers, white bottom half with text in Arabic Drawin by the child: Samaher Ayesh [LL of picture]/ Social rehabilitation/ for children of the traumatic events through the arts [lower center]/ USAID/ From the American People/ Young Artists Forum/ TAMKEEN/ Strengthening Civil Society/ organizations in the West/ Bank and Gaza [bottom center, with logos]/. رسم الطفلة: سماهر عايش\ إعادة التأهيل الاجتماعي\ للأطفال الأحداث من خلال الفنون\ تمكين\ مشروع تعزيز الديمقراطية\ والمجتمع المدني\ منتدى الفنانين الصغار\ من الشعب الأمريكي\. Poster Very light creasing at bottom edge close to left side, scratch and stain at LR, two folds at UR corner Arabic Dan Walsh
Social Rehabilitation For Children
Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Arabic translation: Social rehabilitation for children of traumatic events through the arts
Artist / Designer / Photographer
Circa 2005
Special Collection
Published In
Status / Acquisition Goals
The PPPA has an original copy of this poster
67.6 x 48.1 cm
Admin Notes