
Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source

Dutch translation:

Solidarity with the just struggle of the Arab peoples

Solidarity evening for national sovereignty against Zionism and imperialism

Film: Liberation in Palestine

Curator's note: The graphic in this poster is derived from an original poster by Ismail Shammout, which may be viewed here

Admin Notes

Begin forwarded message: From: steven wachlin Date: November 23, 2010 5:56:31 PM EST To: Dan Walsh Subject: Re: yours? just found this poster on the IISH website, its theirs, date 1973, place Amsterdam On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 7:19 PM, Dan Walsh wrote:

ya ustazi...please guide me... Inbox x Dan Walsh 8:49 PM (6 hours ago) to Hosni These three posters all have the same graphic...either they are ALL Shammout or ALL Al Hallaj...mazboot? Tadamon! Dan al rafeeq Hosni Radwan 1:59 AM (1 hour ago) to me Dear Dan All the poster by Shammout not Al~Hallaj, the third one using Shammout icon, but dont know who design it, best