Solidarity Palestine

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NICE work!


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Tue, May 28, 12:23 AM (1 day ago)






to Nicky


If it is the case that your works are actually being printed - in any size - think about snagging a few copies of each and then at some point send them to PPPA. We will get them included into major university collections, national archives, art museums, etc. It helps Palestine a lot when we do this cuz we are working to get the poster art of Palestine accepted/recognized in the Western art canon. We can help with postage. 

Stay strong!



A revolution which does not aim at changing me by changing the relations between people does not interest me; what is more, I doubt whether a revolution which does not affect me enough to transform me is really a revolution at all. The Palestinian revolution has established new kinds of relations which have changed me, and in this sense the Palestinian revolution is my revolution.

Jean Genet 

The Palestinians 




Nicky Minus

12:58 AM (18 hours ago)






to me



Hey Dan!

Been meaning to email but it's been hectic. I was helping organise these rallies for which I made this poster so it was very busy up until the rally. I've attached a better image to upload to the archive, as we had 8 rallies across the country so different groups were using the basic poster of mine and adjusting it to fit their specific rally info. The attached is better as it's more true to the original artwork. 

Not sure if this is suitable for your website, but if there was a way to make this file available for groups everywhere to use I could delete the top right hand area with the cloud/Australia-specific info, and then provide a file so that if orgs were having similar actions they could use the poster. Let me know if there's any feasible or logical way to do this through your group.

Most of my work I make and then provide links on my Instagram so that groups here just print and do poster runs as they see fit. However, i'm getting a lot of requests for print posters, so maybe once I have a bit more money I could print a bunch of the Palestine stuff to send over. If there was anything specific that was preferrable then I could focus on getting that done.

I also attached another painting I did last week in case you wanted to add that up too. This is just an acrylic painting I did for a local fundraiser here, not for any action or anything.

In solidarity,