Something Is Burning

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
From the Yale University Library web site:Title: Shay’ ma Yahtariq (شيء ما يحترق) [Something Is Burning] Cast: Muna Wasif, Yusuf Hanna, Bassam Kusa, ‘Ali Karim, ‘Abd al-Fattah Muzayyin, Amal ‘Arafah, Raslan Shumayt, Fatin ‘Abd al-Nafi‘ (منى واصف، يوسف حنّا، بسّام كوسا، علي كريم، عبد الفتاح مزين، أمل عرفة، رسلان شميط، فاتن عبد النافع) Director: Ghassan Shumayt (غسّان شميط) Producer: al-Mu’ssasah al-‘Ammah lil-Sinima, Damascus, Syria, 1993 (المؤسسة العامة للسينما، دمشق، سورية، ١٩٩٣) Story & Scenario: Walid Mi‘mari, Ghassan Shumayt (وليد معماري، غسّان شميط) Summary: A film about a Syrian family who leave their village in the Golan Heights after the 1967 war with Israel. The father and the mother, who works as a seamstress, endeavor to make ends meet in very difficult circumstances. Disputes develop between the father and the son who wants to become rich quickly. The film ends with the son being killed by his employer for an illicit relation with his wife.