Songs of the Fedayeen

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source

Click here for a PDF featuring all the songs

Special thanks to Josh MacPhee who scanned and shared this document


Curator's note: This songbook incorporates graphics by Natheer Nabaa

Admin Notes

"Songs of the Fedayeen" (Songs of the Palestinian National Liberation fighters). Tuffnell Park, England: Bellman Bookshop, 1970.

PPPA Contact Form Submission] Inbox x Edward McGuire via 9:25 PM (21 minutes ago) to me Submitted on Tuesday, December 4, 2012 - 02:25 Submitted by anonymous user: [] Submitted values are: Your name: Edward McGuire Your e-mail address: Subject: Category: General question or comment Poster Upload: Message: Dear Sir ~ Can I add just a small correction to the details about the "Songs of the Fedayeen" songbook cover poster? The design of this cover was created by myself and colleagues at Bellman Bookshop in 1970, with the music handwritten by myself. I also did the script using lettraset and Rotring pen with stencils. And we created the green on red colour scheme. It is, of course, correct to say that the art of Natheer Nabaa is used within the songbook. There was no information on the artist available to us at that time - and if the songbook was ever reprinted we would ensure the artist would be fully acknowledged and permission sought. At the time it was mainly freely distributed and went out of print soon afterwards. Bellman Bookshop continues today under the imprint of 'Workers' ( ~ best wishes for your project from Edward McGuire The results of this submission may be viewed at: Dan Walsh 9:34 PM (12 minutes ago) to Edward Hello Edward! So good to hear from you. As to your note...tell me exactly what additions/changes you would like to see, Shall I add a "Curator's note" that summarizes the history you shared with us, including your name? I am happy to do that. You might be surprised to learn that people actually USE that booklet via the site. I even read "Stalin Ate My Homework" because its review mentioned the Bellman Bookstore and I wanted so much to know more about that place. Palestinians love the booklet. in solidarity, Dan