Speak Out For Palestine

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Sighting: Latrobe University - Melbourne, Australia
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Palestine poster






Dan Walsh



to ryan_higginson









Hey Ryan,


It is peeps like you that make the PPPA work. THANKS FOR THE JPEG!


Some q's:


Do you have a web site? We can link it to the page if you like.


Do you have any pics of the poster up around campus?


What were the dimensions?


Did we guess the year correctly?


Have you done other Palestine posters? If yes, pls send in.


If you have/know/see other Palestine posters...pls think of PPPA.


Mad respect,


Dan Walsh/PPPA




Ryan Higginson

6:49 AM (32 minutes ago)


to me


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No worries, when I started designing posters for political stuff back in 2014 most of the inspiration I got was from blatantly plagarising old PFLP posters from the PPP website, so anything that helps a new lot of activists do the same.



I don't have a website sorry, nor do I have any pictures of it around campus. The dimensions were A3 so 29.7 x 42.0 cm.

As for the year you guessed it correctly.


I do have other Palestine posters from the same period (organising on-campus actions against Operation Protective Edge) and I'll upload them to the site when I get the chance.


Happy to be of help!




From: Dan Walsh
Sent: Friday, 8 December 2017 3:45 PM
To: ryan_higginson@hotmail.com.au
Subject: Palestine poster






Speak Out For Palestine


Ryan Higginson - 2014 Sighting: Latrobe University - Melbourne, Australia

Hey, I'm the designer of this poster (http://www.palestineposterproject.org/poster/speak-out-for-palestine) which was uploaded by some other user. It's tagged that the PPPA seeks a better JPEG, a physical copy and more information about the poster. Attached is a higher quality JPEG. As for a physical copy, I fear they've long since been postered around campus and thrown out. I'm not certain what further information the PPPA requires, but if you send me an email I'd be more than happy to answer.