Starvation Death

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Fri, Oct 4, 7:46 AM (1 day ago)






to zephaniah

Comrade Spike,

Such a powerful, magnetic work...this poster has staying power as in once one sees it ... it lingers. Long time. 

I salute you as do the people of Palestine.

The PPPA exists to honor the poster artists who honor Palestine with their courage and creativity. The title is provisional: the PPPA software requires a title and if you don't like this one just send us what you want to see there.

If you have other Palestine posters we'd be delighted to add them. You can also add/change any links. The site belongs to Palestine...and the artists.

Standing With Gaza 

Dan Walsh/PPPA


A revolution which does not aim at changing me by changing the relations between people does not interest me; what is more, I doubt whether a revolution which does not affect me enough to transform me is really a revolution at all. The Palestinian revolution has established new kinds of relations which have changed me, and in this sense the Palestinian revolution is my revolution.


Jean Genet (1910 - 1986)

The Palestinians 




Spike Zephaniah Stephenson


11:12 AM (2 minutes ago)






to me



Greetings Dan,

Thank you for your beautiful words about the poster, it means a lot to me, as does PPPA using the image.

The original title of the work was 'Children of Gaza: Stripped of Life', though I wouldn't object if you choose to use 'Zionism's Glorious Storyboard', it's an equally appropriate title.

I don't have any other relevant artwork to submit at the moment, but I am planning to make another piece soon, I will absolutely send it your way when I do.

Huge respect to you and the team,

Thanks again,


Spike Zephaniah Stephenson

Illustrator / Rapper / Puppeteer



i: @spike_zephaniah

f: @SpikeZephaniah