State Sponsored Terrorism

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Artists' Statement:My message is that Palestine sponsors state terrorism and that Israel also sponsors state terrorism with US endorsement I haven't done any other Palestine/Israel poster yet but I am working on one at the moment trying to show the similarities between the Warsaw Ghetto and the West Bank.
Admin Notes

[ PPPA Contact Form Submission]

Derek Fitzgerald 4:53 AM (8 hours ago)
Submitted on Tuesday, August 20, 2013 - 08:53 Submitted by anonymous user: [1...

Dan Walsh
9:28 AM (4 hours ago)

to Derek

I will upload your poster but it came in as an "unsupported by Photoshop" file and had a black background, etc. I corrected it but I am not sure which version is correct. See my attachment.

Please answer:

What is your nationality?

Was this poster printed ever or is it a digital only file?

Do you have a web site?

What is your message with this poster? Are you saying that Israel/Palestine/US all sponsor terrorism?

Have you done any other Palestine/Israel posters?


Dan Walsh, Curator/PPPA

96K View Download

Derek Fitzgerald
11:58 AM (1 hour ago)

to me

Your attachment looks fine to me thanks. I didn't know what file format to send it as originally.

nationality is Irish

Its only a digital file at the moment

I have no website

My message is that Palestine sponsors state terrorism and that israel also sponsors state terrorism with US endorsement

I haven't done any other Palestine/Israeli poster yet but I am working on one at the moment trying to show the similarities between the warsaw ghetto and the west bank.

I would be delighted to see my poster on your website
