Stone's Throw

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Arabic translation: (Palestine) It is just a stone's throw away    
Admin Notes

it's a stone's throw away



Posters 4 Uploading





Yousef Asaad

Sat, Oct 9, 2:31 PM (3 days ago)


to me








This is not a poster .. if it’s not accepted please discard it.


Artist/Designer/Photographer: Laith Asaad

Language: Arabic

Year: 1994

Publisher: Thought Club and Cultural Dialogue - Philadelphia University

Published in: Jordan


Welcome new students



1-      It's a stone's throw away

2-      Poem for “Ibrahim Nasrallah”


اوصيك دائما يا ولدي

حين تمتد ارض السواحل عارية

ويكثر الجند حولك

كن بامتداد السهول .. جبل

وكن انت دولتك العالية

حين تسقط خلفك كل الدول


I always recommend you, my son

When the coastal land stretches bare

And a lot of soldiers around you

Be along the plains.. a mountain

And be your high country

When all countries fall behind you


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2 Attachments













Yousef Asaad

Sat, Oct 9, 3:09 PM (3 days ago)


to me







This is Study schedule - to write the dates of the lectures on it

It’s a card I just sent to let you see type of cards.

Face and back.


Some emails I sent 2 copy’s for same poster so you can chose the best one.





Sat, Oct 9, 3:13 PM (3 days ago)


to Yousef







yes but you sent two DIFFERENT posters and that confused me a little. 

No problem. We are both learning.