I think this poster was commissioned in 1988. Published by the IUS on the request of GUPS/Palestine.Original copy.
Dan Walsh
Aug 18 (1 day ago)
to apchristou
Such an interesting poster...never saw it before.
I THINK the artist's name is written in Arabic in the lower right hand corner: John Plouk? or Vlouk?
Thank you for helping to save this element of Palestinian history and culture.
Alex Christou
3:50 PM (18 hours ago)
to me
Hi Dan,
Stumbled across this at work. It was not wanted so luckily I managed to take it home. I wasn't sure of the artist's name but thanks for clarifying. Is it John Plok then? I find it interesting because it was done just after the first intifada had commenced. An interesting time in history.
I think what you are doing is very impressive and should be commended. I wrote my thesis on Palestine and always have had an interest on the cultural significance of the posters.