Stop Humiliating Arab Dignity

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Special thanks to Rochelle Davis and Andrea Davis for organizing and creating this portfolio  
Admin Notes

P1030726 DWPO.2009.036 Solidarity with Palestinian Women Solidarity Center Arab Women's Forum Aisha Palestine/ Arab World 2001 2009 63.2 x 47.4 Women, solidarity, children, house demolitions, war Image of building demolished and children at bottom with images of multiple women above, against yellow background, text above and below STOP humiliating arab dignity/ together in solidarity/ with palestinian women [UR, in Arabic, English, French]/ C & R SCAN PLUS : (216.1) 287 527 - Fax: (216.1) 792 883 [vert, right edge]/ Solidarity Center/ Association Tunisienne des Femmes Democrates/ 801 576 (216.1): Telefax - E-mail: Email 799 225 (216.1) Fax 794 131 (216.1): Telephone - Email : Email [LL], Arabic & English]/ May 2001/ Arab Women's Forum Aisha/ Main Coordination: Center for Women's Studies Jerusalem - Palestine [LR, Arabic & English]/. لا لامتهان كرامة الشعوب العربية\ لنتضامن مع نساء فاسطين\ عايشة منتدى النساء العربيات\ التنسيق العام: مركز الدراسات النسوية القدس - فلسطين\ الجمعية التونسية للنساء الديمقراطيات\ مركز التضامن\. Poster Very light fold and creasing at UL corner Arabic English French Dan Walsh