Begin forwarded message: From: Jonathan Rose Date: May 26, 2010 10:32:31 PM EDT To: Dan Walsh Subject: Poster Poster # 16 Top Right: KKL* Top left vertical: Liblinski (artist) Middle right: The annual youth project for the Jewish National Fund Sivan – 5710** Middle: And I will plant them upon their soil, never to be uprooted from their soil. Amos 9 15 Bottom: Gathering the Diaspora to strike roots in the homeland * KKL: The acronyms of the Jewish National Fund ** The Jewish calendar date.
Begin forwarded message: From: Eric Zakim Date: April 26, 2010 10:35:11 AM EDT To: Dan Walsh Subject: Re: who? and who? Bottom: Lublinsky (that's all it says) On Apr 25, 2010, at 11:53 AM, Dan Walsh wrote: