A Strong Meretz

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Hebrew translation:I'm tired of earning half of that zero Meretz is the only one that fights for human rights, for women's rights, for minorities' rights, against religious coercion A strong Meretz so we don't go back many years___________________Translation courtesy of Leena Dallasheh
Admin Notes

just found this...is it interesting? Dan

Dan Walsh 9:05 PM (3 hours ago)

Leena Dallasheh
9:46 PM (2 hours ago)

to me
It's an elections pamphlet for Meretz: it says:
I'm tired of making half of that zero
Meretz is the only one that fights for human rights, for women's rights, for minorities' rights, against religious coercion
A strong Meretz so we don't go back many years.

Leena Dallasheh, Ph.D.
Taub Center for Israel Studies
New York University
14A Washington Mews, Room 205
New York, NY 10003
T. 212.992.7961